wintergrey said: 

OMG, r u perpetuating racism against Canadians bc of our benevolent bee nature?! And threats of physical violence in ur tags?! OMG. UR B& FROM TUMBLR U OPPRESSOR. First they came 4 the Cdns… *emotional sobbing while making angry Corner Gas gifs*

Oh my god, I knew.  It’s been like two minutes and already I’m getting wank.

For god’s sake, dude, can’t you read?  IT WAS HEALTH ADVICE.  I like Canadians.  They’re lovely sort-of-like-people-except-bees, and I’m really concerned about Colony Collapse Disorder, I’ve been planting bee-friendly flowers in my container garden, I’VE GOT YOUR BACK.

I bet you aren’t even Canadian at all.  You sound like a troll.  I’ll boot you off my Tumblr just as soon as I get back from buying soap.  But I do admire the B&—I’ll have to use that, I always approve of minimizing the labor of spelling.

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