
It’s July! The northern hemisphere is hot and frequently full of enormous bugs!! It’s time for icy cocktails, excellent tomatoes, and Camp NaNoWriMo!!!

Some combination of these things leads to….. ~important Antidiogenes news~!!!

First: welcome corpsereviver2, reckonedrightly, and somethingsarenotuptous, the latest additions to the Antidiogenes Mod Squad! Wahooooo!


Second: we have some tweaks to the schedule for July, because of mod vacations and the aforementioned Camp NaNoWriMo:

  • We will not be running officially the third weekend in July (that’s the 19th-21st) because I will be out of town, and I’m still the only person who can add people to the self-invite list (note to self: figure out how to change that………)
  • We will, however, be running officially on both the second weekend (July 12-14th) and the fourth weekend (July 26th-28th), for the benefit of those doing Camp NaNoWriMo and to accomodate as many people’s busy summer holiday/back-to-school schedules as we can.
  • ETA: We’ll go back to third weekends in August, with our August round running August 16th-18th.
  • And, as always, the chat rooms are 100% unofficially open 100% of the time, so if you are doing Camp NaNoWriMo or trying to get some solid writing time in at any time, feel free to hop on over and see who else is around. No mods around with handy timers? Please, always feel free to pick up a timer of your own and call anyone else in the room to arms: when it’s not an official weekend, wars run whenever someone—mod or no—wants to run one! It’s madness out there!

Tell your friends!!

I’m, as always, almost never around during the week, but I probably will be in chat a fair bit during daylight hours on this (very hot) coast this coming weekend, because of the holiday and so on, so I hope to see you guys around! Also, it’s a great time for me to help people get set up with self-invite access and troubleshoot, so if you want to dip a toe in and want a hand, shoot me an ask and we can set up a time!

<3 fizzygins

Heads up for anybody who is interested in a writing chat at odd times!  

Official Antidiogenes weekends can get very crowded, but unofficial evenings are a lot comfier and more laid back.  We’ve particularly had a good crowd going in the evenings for the last several days—usually around 5-10 people.  

And you don’t have to be writing Sherlock fic or fanfic or even fiction at all to be in there. We’ve sometimes had people working on dissertations or term papers, and people periodically use it to get them through the tiny hell of cover letters.

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