

I’m pretty sure that the last time I wanted the next season of a show RIGHT NOW with this much desperate, urgent intensity, I was still in college.

More than Sherlock S3?

Massively more.  Honestly I’ve been half-dreading Sherlock S3 ever since the end of S2.  I’m not at all convinced i’m going to like what I get.

Hannibal, on the other hand, has me by the throat like nothing since…Farscape?  X-Files?  God, it feels like the X-Files season finale with the burning boxcar.

(I don’t think most of my readers even know how big that is.  People, that was a game-changing hour of television.  The reason cliffhangers are a standard factor on TV now is because of X-Files and that fucking boxcar.  I called my best friend and we screamed at each other for half an hour after that episode ended.)

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