(Warnings for a bit of discussion of Hannibal violence, though nothing in the deep end.)
[ screencaps from http://screencapped.net ]
Okay, okay, I don’t follow the Hannibal fandom very closely, so forgive me if anyone else has called this already, BUT:
Does anyone else think that Dr. du Maurier might not exist? Or, alternately, that she might have existed once, but Hannibal killed her and now the “Dr. du Maurier” we see is a figment/projection, as much as Will keeps seeing the Stag and GJ Hobbs?
I mean, think about it: (details based on memory of one viewing of each episode, so I could be wrong on any point)
Dialogue has explained that she was attacked by a patient once (my theory is that it was Hannibal, and she did not survive), and ‘retired’ from practicing psychiatry. Hannibal continues to see her despite her stated desires – which, okay, is kind of rude, let’s be honest. But if she died and now exists solely as a figment/projection, such social conventions no longer apply.
We never see her interact with anyone else. Her room is a ‘dreamy’ space, spacious but intimate, lit with a diffuse, slightly warm light. There’s also something… eerie about how similarly they’re treated/framed in these scenes, how their facial structure is highlighted by the lighting and color palettes, to more resemble each others’. Look at the caps above (taken within seconds of each other) and tell me I’m wrong. She is definitely more ‘feminine’ but there is a clear echo effect happening, and I don’t think it’s merely that one is deliberately ‘mirroring’ the other.
[side note: I love how Mads’ face is always lit – and he always uses it – as if it’s a mask. Brilliant choices, there.]
Not to mention, one scene with them ended with her pouring him a glass of white wine, and the next time we see Hannibal, he’s in his office with a glass of white wine and the dialogue strongly hints at continuity between the two scenes.
I don’t know, u guise, I think there’s something to this but I don’t know canon well enough to know if I’m right. Thoughts?
omg it’s not just me – also, the name – is it reference to a woman’s power to shape a relationship from beyond death?Ohhh, shit. This totally makes sense. The scene with the wine glass in particular really threw me. Not just the glass, but the camera work, it basically spun around him and switched venues. I assumed it was just a fancy transition, but it would fit so fucking well with this theory.
That’d make perfect sense. I’ve been increasingly wondering what’s up with Bedelia, because there’s something off there. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it, but the paralleling echoing between them is so powerful that I’d been wondering if she was another psychopath or something. But if she’s actually a projection of his own mind, then that’d explain it!
(And I caught the glass of wine thing too, and was a little thrown by it at the time.)
AQ: are you thinking ‘Beatrice?’