

Thank you for responding.  So I guess I was wrong about the Hooper-Hopper connection.  But the question remains: why bunnies or rabbits?  Why not OtterLock or HippoCroft or OurangaStrade?  There are lots of associations to rabbits – from cute and cuddly to jack-rabbit quick to fertility and sexuality to the psychedelic trippiness of Alice’s white rabbit.  Certainly these woman gravitated to the sexiness of the Playboy bunnies in their costumes rather than the cute pink bunny suit of Ralphie in A Christmas Story. And that is not a criticism of their choice.  I just wonder about how they made their choice.

I BEG TO DIFFER. I PUT JOHN IN THAT PINK BUNNY SUIT. 🙂 And prettyarbitrary drew some adorable artwork. 🙂

I have no idea what the fandom’s fixation on bunnies is, but we do enjoy them in every form.

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