It started with a message, a late-night visit, and a God of Mischief in Tony’s bed. A story of trust, trickery, unwilling aid and inevitable attraction.

So, Off the Record just finished.  If you liked the Avengers and haven’t read this yet, then I highly recommend blowing an afternoon on it.  It.  Is.  Flawless.  Giddy.  Delightfully insane.  I hit the end and there was literally nothing left I could want.  I smoked in bed afterwards and kicked it out of bed to go break open a bottle of wine with no clothes on.

It centers around Tony/Loki (in a way that made me like it takes into account the fact that Loki is, you know, a bad guy and how they are both over-achieving, supremely arrogant, paranoid, ruthless smartassed dicks) but everybody else is there too—and I mean everybody (Pepper fends off Loki with a shoe!)—in some unholy alchemical conflagration of perfectly characterized, hilarious, badass teamery.

I feel like I just read the entire Avengers fandom, and it was goooooooood.

Avengers (movie) rec: Off the Record

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