Oh, yeah, you know I’ve been meaning to link to this, actually.  I periodically come across people wishing for a Sherlock/Matrix crossover, and twi’s doing a good job on it so far.

It’s on chapter 4 so far, and we’re just cresting the prologue.  The chapters aren’t long, but twi’s posting regular updates (and working fairly well ahead, from what I can tell, so low chance of being stranded high and dry anytime real soon).

It’s well-written.  I’ve been admiring her visual writing style, and she’s doing a fantastic job with the pacing of the action/suspense while also working in gloriously apropros fanservice that has forced me to put ‘Sherlock poured into a bodysuit so tight John was surprised he could sit down’ and ‘Lestrade buckled into painted-on leather pants’ on my list of Things To Draw In The Near Future.  Possibly also ‘Sally in wet-looking vinyl and red lace.’

In the Region of Sight, by thatworldinverted

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