

The incredible, welcoming way that Adagio Teas has reacted to their Fandom Invasion makes me want to buy tea from nowhere else ever again.

And I know it’s no skin off their nose – they earn goodwill, they sell more tea, they grow their own damn fanbase – but so many people and businesses look at fans with disdain, or with grudging tolerance, or as a group to be used without consideration for what makes them a group in the first place. 

And in contrast Adagio threw open their doors.  They learned enough (or already knew enough) about some of the individual fandoms to make in jokes – to “ship” the different tea blends and allow fanart labels and put 4 oz of tea in the 3oz TARDIS tea tin (BECAUSE IT’S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, GUYS, THERE WAS ROOM FOR MORE TEA) and even set aside a whole huge section of their website purely dedicated to this new customer base.

And you know what? The smartest bit is: it works.  And now, among my other fandoms, I am also an Adagio Fan. 

TRUE they are awesome!  I really can’t thank Cara (areyoutryingtodeduceme) enough for turning me onto them.  YOU ROCK!

Also I had NO IDEA about the Tardis tea that is SO COOL! <3


*slinks off to buy TARDIS tea*

It really works.  Really really.

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