so you know how humans can make animal noises like we can pretend to meow and bark and stuff
well how fucking weird would it be if animals could do that like they didn’t know what I it meant or how to speak phrases but they could pick up on stuff we say and make the same noise
like youd just be watching tv with your dog next to you and youd reach over to pet him and
“bowel movement”
i believe the animal you’re talking about
is a parrot.
Periodically it is pretty damn weird. I mean, I’ve lived with them for years so I’m used to it, but once in a while I’ll have a vocal argument with my bird and realize just how strange it is. Usually right after we’ve got done shouting at each other.
Though they do, actually, tend to know what the words mean. Some words and phrases they’ll pick up just because they like the sound of them, but they learn a lot of them because they want to communicate and they know it’s an important word.
Mind you, what a parrot considers important is not always human-important. They tend to gravitate toward phrases that express curiosity, affection, flattery, and food. Which, if you’re a parrot, pretty much covers all the essentials in life.