Some people just have really COOL-looking faces, you know?  I don’t even know if I consider Fassbender handsome, but he’s interesting to look at, which frankly is better so far as I’m concerned.

Freeman, Cumberbatch, and Jeremy Renner all fall into this same category.  Handsome?  I dunno. Maybe?  Sometimes.  But nifty.  Christian  Bale.  There’s a line to his cheekbones that I’m used to seeing on Asian men, and it’s startling and interesting in his face.  Clint Eastwood and Hugh Jackman have that squint (how did I only just notice that Hugh Jackman looks like a young Clint Eastwood?).  I love Eastwood’s old movies, but I only just noticed he was handsome about five years ago, because I was too busy being captivated by the ruggedness.  David Bowie.  There’s something flat-out strange about his face, like the sculptor finished shaping it but didn’t want to bother with the details, like some kind of post-modern statuary or something.  But no one can argue that David Bowie doesn’t look interesting.

Women too.  I like Noomi Rapace’s face because her features have this odd cast that make her face look like it’s always doing something.  Small, considering mouth and eyes with a permanent sardonic gleam.  And Marion Cotillard with her Bette Davis eyes (have you ever noticed how much she looks like Bette Davis?  Who ever thought that was a face that would come around again?).  Lucy Liu has one of the most intelligent-looking faces I’ve ever seen; raw-featured and sharp. (fun fact: when I see sexy photos of her, it totally throws me, because I do not think ‘sex’ when I think of Lucy Liu; I think ‘badass’).  And if you lined up Gina Torres, with her defiantly lush features—if you lined her next to your average supermodel, she’d make them look like a cardboard cutout (also OMG her hair <3).  I could sit and look at pictures of her for hours, because she’s just mesmerizing.

I’m not big on Scarlet Johannsson’s face (as opposed to her as a person, because she’s awesome).  But her face is too perfect.  It’s like looking at a doll.  She’s only beautiful because of how she’s able to take possession of it and live in it (that quirky off-kilter smile, for instance).

So there’s no point to this post really, except to take a bit of glee in the way people look.

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