So I’m not sure what to do here, exactly.  Last night I was trying to write, fighting with the doc which is pretty much how it works for me these days, and it was like the bottom just dropped out on me and all the words fell out.  I literally feel kind of empty, like there is not a single drop of writer anywhere in me.  I look at anything I’ve got that I’ve been working on and…nope.  I try looking at prompts or thinking of something else to write, and…nothing.  No ideas, no connection, no interest.

I really don’t know what to do about this.  Normally if I get blocked there’s at least some thread I can follow that hints at WHY.  Some kind of workaround or distraction or obstacle I need to resolve or SOMETHING.  But it’s like there’s no reason for this.  My writing just…stopped.

An anxious, superstitious part of me is nervous that it might decide not to come back.

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