




You, my darling, make a point so beautifully. <3


Can we just 


One of the weirdest experiences I had at my last job was talking to a pair of my students who said they loved Star Trek. When I said “Klingon,” they just looked at me funny. Completely confused. They’d only seen the reboot film and literally had no idea what a Klingon even was. My knee jerk response was to be absolutely incredulous, and then, wait, no. This was a matter of more than just cultural literacy. 

Brand new fans are the best ever because you get to flail at them about things you’ve known for ages and your enthusiasm doesn’t even look stupid. To them, it’s completely new and an utter revelation. 

It’s like the 10,000 phenomemon

I dislike repeating comments in bold but really, guys:

Brand new fans are the best ever because you get to flail at them about things you’ve known for ages and your enthusiasm doesn’t even look stupid. To them, it’s completely new and an utter revelation. 

We were all new fans once. I know it’s painful when a fellow fan doesn’t know where Gallifrey is or how to pronounce Les Miserables but we all had to learn that at some point too, we weren’t born with it implanted in our heads. And this is a great way to look at it – use it as a chance to tell someone everything you know and show off a little.

As a brand new fan to about a million things since joining tumblr, this makes me very happy.

You!  Dude in the red!  You’re not a real fan!  A real fan would know NEVER TO WEAR A RED SHIRT unless it’s got officer’s stripes!  (Or pips, depending on the version.)

But totally yes to everything people have said.  (Also I’m still a bit spotty on how to pronounce Les Miserables.  I’m not good with French.)

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