Category: Fandom

Do you honestly think this episode is as far as the writers will go with their relationship? I’m not expeting anything as blatant as snogging (I have to be realistic) but after two series of hints and, let’s be honest, queerbaiting we get a massive step. Like you said yourself, it’s in there, it’s in the text. Also, as much as I want to be hopeful and optimistic I cannot shake the fear that some firece backpedalling might take place at some point.

Well, keep in mind that these are pure guesses based on little more than my…

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Hi! I don’t think the BBC are afraid of showing explicit queer relationships. There are enough examples, just look at something as mainstream as Eastenders … Nor have the writers of Sherlock ever denied the homoerotic undertones. And why can’t it stay just that? I think Sherlock and John’s relationship is pretty much perfect the way it is. Sex would only ruin it, like it always does. No matter if it’s 2 men, 2 women or a man and a woman … Just my opinion. (And I’m no homophobe at all.)

It’s true! The BBC does seem to be relatively open-minded about queer relationships, especially compared…

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