Tag: faeries

Are we talking AUs? Then let’s discuss fae!AU: Sherlock is fae and he loves to watch humans, but belief in magic is waning. When John Watson, who still believes in fair-folk and mischief, comes around it is marvelous. Sherlock wants to take him away- keep him forever in the realms away from other people. He’d have his golden, beautiful human in the woods, in broad daylight, or under starlight late at night. But he would keep him, always, forever, until time ends.

AIOUSDOIFHASJKDFHSDF John stays at Sherlock’s side through all sorts of marvelous, insane adventures in Faerie.…

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In the old days, he would have taken him away as a child. Snatched him out of a bedroom window or a garden when his mother’s back was turned, or straight out of a cradle at night. He would have put a changling in his place, and kept the human to grow and keep forever in his homeworld. How tedious and stupid humans were now. How completely inane it was to obey their rules when he was faerie born! Still, at least now Sherlock had him, this human named John, this golden engima.

johnwantsit: John Watson with his unassuming jumpers and his friendly smile. John Watson who could…

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