Tag: i opinionate too much

I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed, feel free to ignore me :) What is your take on the portrayal of PTSD in the show? John appears to have it in A Study in Pink (nightmares, psychosomatic limp, tremors), but it’s never referenced again. I have a difficult time believing that his therapist could have misdiagnosed him that badly, as Mycroft suggested. I’ve also seen some theories floating around that Sherlock has a touch of PTSD in S3. Thoughts?

loudest-subtext-in-television: This is actually difficult for me to answer because irl I’m friends with an…

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hi! I read your most recent opinion on John and Mary and Sherlock’s relationship with him as an addict and I wanted to ask if you think Mary is a bad person. I personally think that the writing is a little in consistent and that she wouldn’t have shot Sherlock considering everything else that happened. Bu I also believe Moffat and Gatiss wanted to show Sherlock using his Mind Palace to stay alive so her character suffered. Opinions?

toooldforthissh—stuff: More spoilers! ] prettyarbitrary: Of course Mary is a bad person. (spoilers) Read More…

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hi! I read your most recent opinion on John and Mary and Sherlock’s relationship with him as an addict and I wanted to ask if you think Mary is a bad person. I personally think that the writing is a little in consistent and that she wouldn’t have shot Sherlock considering everything else that happened. Bu I also believe Moffat and Gatiss wanted to show Sherlock using his Mind Palace to stay alive so her character suffered. Opinions?

Of course Mary is a bad person. (spoilers) ] She kills people for money. Her…

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