Tag: meta

Since we are talking about abuse (IMO, this word is thrown around a bit too much, but that’s another story), how come nobody is worried about Molly? I understand that she too moved on (or did she?), has “a lot of sex” and became BAMF, but – slapping Sherlock no once, but THREE times? Stabbing her fiancé with a fork? I start to suspect that, should Molly ever learn about Mary’s deception, she’ll just jump and strangle her with her bare hands…

Well, I can’t speak for everybody else. Maybe people are worried about Molly. I admit…

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hi! I read your most recent opinion on John and Mary and Sherlock’s relationship with him as an addict and I wanted to ask if you think Mary is a bad person. I personally think that the writing is a little in consistent and that she wouldn’t have shot Sherlock considering everything else that happened. Bu I also believe Moffat and Gatiss wanted to show Sherlock using his Mind Palace to stay alive so her character suffered. Opinions?

toooldforthissh—stuff: prettyarbitrary: toooldforthissh—stuff: More spoilers! ] prettyarbitrary: Of course Mary is a bad person. (spoilers)…

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hi! I read your most recent opinion on John and Mary and Sherlock’s relationship with him as an addict and I wanted to ask if you think Mary is a bad person. I personally think that the writing is a little in consistent and that she wouldn’t have shot Sherlock considering everything else that happened. Bu I also believe Moffat and Gatiss wanted to show Sherlock using his Mind Palace to stay alive so her character suffered. Opinions?

toooldforthissh—stuff: More spoilers! ] prettyarbitrary: Of course Mary is a bad person. (spoilers) Read More…

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hi! I read your most recent opinion on John and Mary and Sherlock’s relationship with him as an addict and I wanted to ask if you think Mary is a bad person. I personally think that the writing is a little in consistent and that she wouldn’t have shot Sherlock considering everything else that happened. Bu I also believe Moffat and Gatiss wanted to show Sherlock using his Mind Palace to stay alive so her character suffered. Opinions?

Of course Mary is a bad person. (spoilers) ] She kills people for money. Her…

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how do you feel about people you don’t necessarily know/talk to much reblogging your meta with comments/questions/alternate takes? or tagging you in meta of their own? not in a disrespectful way, obviously, but in a conversational one. (if you could maybe tag some of your other meta-writing friends in this too, that would be lovely, because you’re all so smart and I’d really like to know how all of you feel about other fans joining in the discourse)

I say OH MY GOD YES. Dear lord, I am ALL for anybody getting in…

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