Tag: mpreg

there is currently a debate going on about whether or not cis mpreg is transphobic. Where do you stand on that? Do you think its transphobic to extend the ability to make life to people that normally can’t in real life, in fiction? Or that the only way to do mpreg would be to make the character trans and with female anantomy? idk because now i’m feeling bad about liking mpreg that is involving cis mpreg.

All right. First off, I’m a cis woman so I really have no say in…

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Trans person here, using anon because it’s too stressful not to. Reasons why I’m bothered by mpreg (& omegaverse) aside from personally finding pregnancy creepy: 1)Trans erasure, a real life example that could be used for a fic but people skip over it entirely. 2)shock value, a more extreme example of “lol man in a dress! so weird!” 3)regressive gender norms. this one really gets me. Most are about feminizing men in a specific fetishized way equivalent to super-trad fem roles but w/o any women

Thank you for sharing, anon! I got a bunch of asks in response to the…

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